Enzymes, organic acids, organic minerals, probiotics and mycotoxin products. The jury of the AllAboutFeed/FIAAP Animal Nutrition Award has screened all the nominations and have made their choice. The winner and runner-up will be announced during the award ceremony on April 8th. Here is a short preview (in random order) of the nominated products.
The Netherlands: Nukamix Extra
Nukamix Extra a dairy ingredient for piglets, is developed by the Dutch company Nukamel, and is one of the nominees of the award. The product was launched last year, both in Europe and Asia and is a high-value dairy concentrate for use in piglet pre-starter feeds. The product is able to fully replace the use of blood plasma in animal diets, in a safe way.
China: CONPRO 300
Jiangsu CONCO Food from China has entered the competition with the product CONPRO 300 (CP300). This product consists of chelated minerals, able to reduce the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus, etc, to improve livestock and aquaculture environments.
Singapore: FUMzyme®
Biomin Singapore has been nominated with its product FUMzyme®. The enzyme is active in the gastro intestinal tract and fumonisins are irreversible destroyed, before being absorbed to the blood stream. It is the first purified enzyme used to detoxify mycotoxins in animals and was successfully introduced to the Asian market in March 2013. In Europe and the US the registration as mycotoxin deactivation product is in progress.
Synbio Tech from Taiwan has been nominated for its product SYNLAC II, a direct fed microbial. SYN LAC II is a multi-strain freeze dried powder with highly viable bacterial counts plus multilevel-coating technology designed for the animal intestinal micro ecological balance and immune modulatory. It has been many properties such as reduction of faecal odour and improvement of air quality, prevention of diarrhoea effectively and improvement of the animal’s immunity and resistance to animal diseases.
Thailand: BioAmp Probiotic
Another direct fed microbial was sent in by the Thai company NCH. BioAmp Probiotic has been recently introduced to the market (2014) and – according to the company- reduces mortality and improves feed efficient and average daily gain in production animals as a direct effect of reducing the number of harmful bad bacteria in the animal digestive system.
Singapore: Kemzyme® MAP
Kemin Singapore has nominated Kemzyme® MAP, a stabilised multi-enzyme product developed by Kemin to improve the digestibility of raw materials with special target to protein and starch. It is based on a patented multi-amylase and multi-protease enzyme system combined with NSP enzymes and can save up to US$6-8 per ton of feed.
Germany: Anta®Ox FlavoSyn
Dr. Eckel from Germany (winner of the previous AllAboutFeed/FIAAP Animal Nutrition Award) has been nominated this year for its product Anta®Ox FlavoSyn. This product is an unique combination of German grape pomace and grape seeds with valuable natural plant extracts and specific essential oils that ensures a highly defined flavonoid content of at least 10%. These components have proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the animal, which makes it a novel ingredient for optimising animal performance in a natural way.
All the nominees can be recognised by a nominee sign on their booth.
The award ceremony of the AllAboutFeed/FIAAP Animal Nutrition Award is scheduled on Tuesday 18.00 -19.00h at the Exhibitor reception in the Fahrenheit restaurant. This restaurant is located within BITEC.