
Illegal use of a GMP+ logo

04-04-2018 | |
Photo: GMP+
Photo: GMP+

GMP+ International warns that companies are utilising an unauthentic GMP+ logo.

Despite their claims, the following companies are not GMP+ certified:

  • Ledoga srl. / Silva Team via Torre, 7 12080 San Michele Mondovì CN (Italy), is using the GMP+ FSA logo on their products
  • Iberprotein, S.L. Avda. del Puerto, 105-5º 46021 Valencia (Spain), is using the GMP+ FSA logo on their website

According to GMP+, these companies are former GMP+ certified companies. They do not have a valid certificate. Therefore, the products they supply are not GMP+ assured.

If you have been contacted by these companies as a GMP+ certified supplier, please inform GMP+ directly.

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Emmy Koeleman Freelance editor
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