Mycotoxins in swine can cause severe problems. Young pigs and breeding swine are generally the most susceptible. Mycotoxins supress the immune system pf pigs and lead to reduce fed intake, supressed growth or even death.
The most important mycotoxins for pigs: Aflatoxins / Deoxynivalenol / Zearalenone / Fumonisins / Ochratoxin / Ergot alkaloids / T-2 toxin
The effects of mycotoxins in poultry feed depend on the specific mycotoxin or mycotoxins present, the level of contamination and the length of time the animal has been consuming the mycotoxin(s). Symptoms include immune depression, lower production and gastro-intestinal disorders.
The most important mycotoxins for poultry: Aflatoxins / Ergot alkaloids / Fumonisins / Ochratoxin / Trichothecenes type A / Trichothecenes type B / Zearalenone (ZEA)
Although ruminants are able to deactivate some of the toxins in the rumen, production losses in cattle due to mycotoxin contamination are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties. Some mycotoxins such as zearalenone predominantly affect reproduction for example.
Most important mycotoxins for ruminants: Aflatoxins / Fumonisins / Trichothecenes type B / Zearalenone (ZEA)