Dairy Global hosted a webinar, in cooperation with Biomin, on New insights into SARA and Transition Challenges. If you missed the live webinar on 21 November, it can be watched again on demand.
This webinar focused on Subacute rumen acidosis (SARA), contributing factors and tools producers can use to overcome SARA and transition challenges.
SARA, a common metabolic disorder in dairy cows, suppresses dry matter intake (DMI) and milk production, and increases the risk of associated disease development, such as mastitis and lameness, leading to higher culling rate—all of which is costly for dairy producers.
• Sabine Masching, MSc who is the senior product manager at Biomin, presented: Mycotoxin Risk Management for High-Performing Cows. The role of SARA in mycotoxin and endotoxin risk management. Here she zoomed in on the Biomin Mycotoxin Survey Results, mycotoxins in corn silage, change in diet to more grain which impacts rumen PH. She also discussed endotoxins, among other topics. She also focused on liver health and detoxification in the liver.
• Tyler Turner, PhD the phytogenic product manager, ruminants at Biomin, presented: Getting Naturally Ahead of Transition Phase SARA. Focusing on the transition period, he touched on nutritional aspects, phytogenic feed additives, ruminating activity during SARA conditions, rumen stability and also solutions for the transition period.