As a result of the evaluation of the available analysis results of the maize harvest 2015, GMP+ International – in collaboration with other collaborating scheme holders, has adjusted the risk profile for Aflatoxin B1. For Austria this means that its classification will be changed from risk ‘Low’ to ‘Medium’.
The periodic evaluation of the country classification is carried out based on analysis results that GMP+ FSA certified companies must upload to the GMP+ Monitoring database, and is based on the results received by the other collaborating scheme holders. The assessment of the analysis results is carried out based on the criteria established in consultation with these scheme holders. In practice, this evaluation work method has proven to be a good method for the short-term anticipation of current risks. The ad-hoc GMP+ Workgroup Aflatoxin B1 has approved the proposal for adjustment. The changed protocol takes effect on August, 4th 2016.
Read also:
Aflatoxin B1 risk increased for India
The results justify the adjustment of risk classification. This means that maize originating from Austria will have to be analysed more intensively, because the risk of the presence of Aflatoxin B1 is to be considered medium.
In several countries, the maize harvest 2016 is in full effect or is about to start. The Aflatoxin B1 monitoring protocol will also apply to maize harvested in 2016. The risk profiles (‘Low’, ‘Medium’, ‘High’) of countries of origin of the maize harvest 2016, will be published in the course of August 2016. The classification in risk profiles is coordinated with other collaborating scheme holders.
Analysing monitoring results is a source of inspiration for GMP+ International to emphasise potential risks in its communication and to develop FSP products that make the individual companies and the feed industry as a whole more resilient, to better face the daily challenges involved with supplying safe feed for safe food.
[Souce: GMP+]