
A more bullish market for vitamins market

31-01-2024 | |
Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

In general, there is a more bullish tone to the vitamin market. Not all of them, but some of the bigger ones have gone up in price and are relatively active in terms of transactions. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 05).

The recent vitamin A1000 incident in China did not trigger a shortage in the market as such, but it did start a firmer trend. Vitamin A prices are firming, as several suppliers either have no or limited material available or they have increased prices. Vitamin E is a bit firmer recently, although most of Q1 and early Q2 is contracted by now. Some concerns still about delayed shipments ex China. Vitamin B1, K3, and B12 remain firm in almost all regions.

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Vitamin E 50%

Some regional differences are seen, but the overall trend is a bit firmer. Prices in the US showed the most increase in terms of price offers, in China and Europe the increase has been marginal so far. In general, the number of price quotes is reduced and the production output is reduced as well due to for example maintenance. Q1 is mostly contracted by now and a portion of Q2 as well. Not necessarily contracted because of potential price increases, but more to secure supply in April in line with global logistics container challenges.

Vitamin A 1000

After the recent incident at a Chinese manufacturer, initially nothing happened with the price. But a few weeks later now it seems it has set something in motion. Some suppliers stopped offering, some are short on material and others increased prices. Bottom line the price is firmer at the moment and decent buying activity has been seen recently. If it will stick longer term, is still the question. But for now, the market is firmer in most regions. Q1 is now fully contracted and a portion of Q2 as well.

Vitamin D3 500

The market remains relatively stable at a low price level. Buyers are a bit more concerned though as nearby stocks are not plentiful as prices have been declining for a long time. And with potential delays ex China there has been some buying going on for Q1 and a portion of Q2. But overall there is not a significant activity seen, just slightly higher than last month. A good portion of Q1 is contracted and some early Q2 volumes as well.

Vitamin B2 80%

Lately, there is not much to report on vitamin B2. The market feels pretty quiet and prices have been stable lately. New capacity came online in 2023 and that seems to be priced in by now. Prices in Asia are relatively low, while prices in Europe are higher and in the US as well, compared to that. Q1 is mostly contracted and a small portion of Q2 as well.


Currently, prices have stopped declining and feel more stable, and in some cases a bit firmer even. Buyers indicate that although there is already stock in the regions, they are keeping an eye on the logistics situation with containers and are more tempted to book a bit ahead now. Overall the market feels mostly quiet, with some isolated cases of buying mentioned and prices seem to have stopped declining and even look slightly firmer FOB China. Q1 is mostly contacted, with a small volume for April in some regions.

Vitamin B3

Most suppliers continue to offer high prices, and some do not even offer at all, in an attempt to go to higher market prices. Prices have been a bit firmer recently, compared to last month. Although it is getting quiet again and most buying ahead is finished by now. There may be some short-lived volatility in Q1 as shipments arrive delayed in regions like Europe or the US. Overall, it is relatively quiet and there is already decent cover for Q1 and even some for early Q2.


No major changes are seen in the biotin market. As most of the blending from biotin pure to for example a 2% material is done locally in the US of Europe, there is no real impact from higher container freight costs. The biotin market remains very calm with some occasional spot buying mentioned. Most of Q1 is contracted. In some cases, buyers took long-term contracts well into 2024, some of them also older contracts.

Vitamin C 35% mono

Spot prices remain firm compared to some months ago and most suppliers still refrain from offering in an attempt to have a more permanent price increase and some margin. Most buyers are contracted well into 2024 and are not in the market as such. Potential delays ex China may lead to some spot buying in the coming months. No significant activity is seen and only limited suppliers are offering. Q1 and Q2 are mostly contracted and in some cases a large portion of 2024 as well.

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