
Activity shown on the vitamin A, E & B5 markets

24-01-2024 | |
Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

After the recent incident at a Chinese vitamin A production plant, together with less offers available from Western suppliers, the market is slightly firmer for vitamin A1000, but nothing significant so far. The remainder of Q1 and some early Q2 cover has been taken by now.

Vitamin E showed a bit firmer market recently, but it is not following through so far. Q1 and a small portion of Q2 is contracted by now, so there is no new additional demand seen really. It seems that d-calpan has stopped declining in price and some Chinese suppliers have even started to ask for higher prices. Price offers for vitamin B3 remain firmer. Vitamin B1, K3, C, B12, Cholin Chlorid all have a firmer tone.

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Vitamin E 50%

This month the market has been slightly firmer, as the number of price quotes was reduced and the production output was reduced due to for example maintenance. And today, still a bit of upward price pressure and higher price offers from suppliers for new business. But in terms of actual transactions, prices only increased marginally. The market did not decline further though. Q1 is mostly contracted by now and a portion of Q2 as well, not so much because of potential price increases, but more to secure supply in April in line with global logistics container challenges.

Vitamin A 1000

A lot of market participants anticipated a price increase of vitamin A1000, after the recent incident at a vitamin A manufacturer in China. There has indeed been some activity in the market and price quotes have been taken up by several suppliers. But overall, no major reaction was seen, and prices only increased marginally. The market has become rather quiet again by now. Q1 is now fully contracted and a portion of Q2 as well, that Q2 part was accelerated by that recent incident.

Vitamin D3 500

The recent incident at a vitamin A/D manufacturer in China, has done nothing so far to the vitamin D3 500 price. The market has remained stable and prices are still very low. Potentially the delays ex Asia and the higher container freight costs could do something in the coming weeks, but so far no major changes seen or reported compared to previous weeks. A good portion of Q1 is contracted and some early Q2 volumes as well.

Vitamin B2 80%

Lately, there is not much to report on vitamin B2. The market feels pretty quiet and prices have been stable lately. New capacity came online in 2023 and that seems to be priced in by now. Prices in Asia are relatively low, while prices in Europe are higher and in the US as well, compared to that. Q1 is mostly contracted and a small portion of Q2 as well.


Currently, prices have stopped declining and feel more stable, and in some cases a firmer even. Buyers indicate that although there is already stock in the regions, they are keeping an eye on the logistics situation with containers and are more tempted to book a bit ahead now. Overall the market feels mostly quiet, with some isolated cases of buying mentioned and prices seem to have stopped declining and even look slightly firmer FOB China. Q1 is mostly contacted, with a small volume for April in some regions.

Vitamin B3

Most suppliers continue to offer high prices, and some do not even offer at all, in an attempt to go to higher market prices. Prices have been a bit firmer recently, compared to last month. Some spot activity is seen, as buyers need to fill gaps or have underestimated the current slightly firmer market. But overall, it is relatively quiet and there is already decent cover for Q1 and even some for early Q2.


No major changes are seen in the biotin market. As most of the blending from biotin pure to for example a 2% material is done locally in the US of Europe, there is no real impact from higher container freight costs. The biotin market remains very calm with some occasional spot buying mentioned. Most of Q1 is contracted. In some cases, buyers took long-term contracts well into 2024, some of them also older contracts.

Vitamin C 35% mono

Spot prices remain firm compared to some months ago and most suppliers still refrain from offering in an attempt to have a more permanent price increase and some margin. Most buyers are contracted well into 2024 and are not in the market as such. Potential delays ex China may lead to some spot buying in the coming months. No significant activity is seen and only limited suppliers are offering. Q1 and Q2 are mostly contracted and in some cases a large portion of 2024 as well.

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