
AFIA reacts to BSE case in California

26-04-2012 | |

The US Department of Agriculture yesterday confirmed the nation’s fourth case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in an adult dairy cow from central California. The dairy cow, which was tested and quarantined at a rendering plant, is presumed to be five years of age.

Dr John Clifford, USDA’s Chief Veterinary Officer, described the case as “atypical,” meaning the animal did not contract BSE from contaminated feed or feed ingredients,  but was rather was the result of a random mutation.
AFIA president and CEO, Joel G. Newman, noted, “FDA’s feed mill/renderer inspection program on the mammalian feed ban continues to work very well. Data from a recent FDA report shows that firms continue to demonstrate over 99 percent compliance with the ban.”
According to the February report released from FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, as of January 28, 2012, FDA had conducted over 93,000 inspection beginning in 1997.
“There are two important items to emphasize – first the targeted surveillance system is working and secondly the food supply is safe,” Newman added.

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