
Animals & humans benefit from rape seed

21-02-2007 | |

Because of the high protein content, rape seed cake and rape flakes are suitable as raw materials for broilers, according to research by Dutch feed company Agrifirm. But animals are not the only ones to profit. Rape seed cakes could also be turned into tasty cookies for humans.

The research looked at whether the two by product from the oil production
from rape seed are suitable to feed young broiler chickens. Parameters as
digestion, growth, feed conversion, health and scattering quality were taken
into account.

Cheap alternative
It was concluded
that rape products are a good cheap alternative for soy in terms of protein
content. However, rape products can differ in quality, dependent on the
supplier. The production process should therefore always be taken into account.

Treat and test
In addition,
rape seed contains some ingredients that may negatively influence the digestion
process of the broilers. A good treatment can inactivate these ingredients. As a
result of this study, Agrifirm developed a concept to treat and test rape

Cookies from rape seed waste
seed products do not only benefit the
animal feed industry, also the human food indutry can benefit. According to German
technology magazine “Technology Review” researchers from Fulda College could
produce low fat food with a nutty taste with the help of a special

Food technologists from Fulda technical
college have inoculated the high protein rapeseed cake with a fungus called
Rhizopus microsporus. After two days the cake was fermented, meaning the
sugars were converted to protein and vitamins. The treated rapeseed cake
contained all vital amino acids.

With its cake-like consistency, the
fermented product can easily be baked without the use of additional fats or
oils. Possible finished products are cakes, cookies, spring roles, bread cuts,
pastry and marinades. A slightly bitter taste is still disturbing and the
researchers are working to improve ventilation for the fungus to

Related link:
Fulda College

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