All About Feed is publishing a special magazine on the topic of Antibiotic Reduction. This issue will dive into the challenges and opportunities that come with moving away from antibiotic use in the livestock sector. There is still time so don’t miss this opportunity – reserve your space now.
The subtherapeutic use of antibiotics as growth promoters (AGP) has been practised for decades to improve performance and reduce the infectious pressure of certain diseases.
However, due to the existing problem of increasing resistance, which negatively effects therapeutic antibiotic use in humans and animals, many countries have banned the use of antibiotic performance enhancers.
There is a growing worldwide trend to look for alternatives. As compounds such as phytogenics, essential oils, enzymes, and pre- and probiotics could be the answer.
This special will focus on measures that could be taken to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of antibiotics in livestock.
Topics will include:
The special will be included with the #10 issue of the regular magazine (print). All the articles will be published online and highlighted in special e-newsletters.