How to achieve a further reduction of antibiotics in both pigs and dairy cows? That question will be key in a webinar on antibiotic reduction, taking place this Thursday at 3pm CET.
Click here to register for the webinar on September 30
The webinar is aimed at a global audience and organised by Pig Progress’ sister title All About Feed. Background of the webinar obviously is the fact that these days, the international trend is to bring the use of curative antibiotics as far down as possible.
That does not mean, however, that animals do not get sick anymore. On the contrary, with the withdrawal of large amounts of antibiotics, it becomes extra clear in which situations the animals require a bit of extra care. In this webinar devoted to the theme of antibiotic reduction, All About Feed will explore various ways in which both pigs and dairy cows can be helped so they manage to grow healthily without the usage of antibiotics.
The webinar will feature 3 expert speakers who will all shed a light on the topic of antibiotic reduction:
Denmark was 1 of the earlier countries to embark on a road towards reducing antibiotics. Experiences in Denmark were followed all over the planet. He will discuss the progress in antibiotic reduction, as well as challenges caused by the new legislation. He will also devote some time to the potential effect of the ban on zinc oxide for the swine industry.
Next up will be Cheng Lee, product manager at Intracare. She will discuss diseases caused by Spirochaetes bacteria for both pigs as well as cattle, the impacts of those diseases in both animal species and the rise of antimicrobial resistance of these bacteria.
She will also touch on non-antibiotic solutions for the treatment of these diseases.
Thirdly, Dr Lourens Heres, manager global technical support at Darling Ingredients will address the global audience, with a presentation called “Enabling antibiotic and zinc reduction with functional animal proteins.”
He will discuss how feed can promote health and improve gut and animal resistance, and touch on the role of spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP), to overcome the challenges at weaning, and to refrain from antibiotic and zinc oxide use.
The starting time of the webinar is 3pm CET. That time corresponds to: