
dsm-firmenich sells vitamin business

21-02-2024 | |
Photo: Bing
Photo: Bing

The biggest news last week was the announcement that one of the main Western vitamin, premix and nutritional solution providers is going to sell their animal health activity. It will be interesting to see how their competitors will respond and what this will do to the vitamin market. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 08).

In general, the market is starting up again after Chinese New Year. No specific activity seen so far.

In partnership with Feed Additive Prices

Vitamin E 50%

After a period of relative volatility, and in some cases the market is still firm like in the US, things seem to be more calm now. The overall sentiment for vitamin E 50% is still stable to firmer, but as buyers have taken forward cover into Q2, it has become calmer now. Especially in the US, prices have firmed as nearby availability is not good. Q1 is contracted and a portion of Q2 as well.

Vitamin A 1000

Recently, one of the main vitamin A1000 manufacturers has announced their intention to sell off their vitamin business. The market is very interested to learn what kind of impact this may have and how other vitamin A1000 manufacturers will respond. So far no significant changes seen and vitamin A1000 has continued its stable to slightly firm trend as availability is said to be tight and it has to be seen if all the Q1 and Q2 contracts will executed timely and in full. A portion of Q2 has been contracted by now.

Vitamin D3 500

The vitamin D3 500 market is relatively calm and prices seem to be stable in most regions. Not a lot of actual transactions are reported at the moment. Recently, when it became more visible that the supply chain ex-China will be disrupted due to the delayed container supply Ex Asia, buyers decided to take some forward cover. Current market prices are still very low though. Stock levels in the regions are said to be OK/limited. Q1 is contracted and some Q2 volumes are as well.

Vitamin B2 80%

The vitamin B2 market is very quiet, mostly stable, and feels static. Prices in Asia are still relatively low, while prices in Europe are higher and stable and in the it is US as well, compared to that. A portion of Q2 is contracted.


Very quiet market at the moment and already decent cover ahead is taken. Prices were/are low and with the delays ex China and relatively low stocks in the regions, buyers have purchased some volume ahead into early Q2.

Vitamin B3

Despite the strong desire from suppliers to increase the price, which succeeded recently, the market has become more stable now again. Forward cover into Q2 has been taken recently and currently, there is no additional demand seen in most regions. The coming weeks should give more direction as it will be visible what shipment delays ex Asia could potentially do. There may be some short-lived volatility in Q1 as a result of that. Overall, it is relatively quiet and there is already decent cover for Q1 and into Q2.


In most markets, the price has been stable for some time now, at an all-time low price level. In some cases, the pure biotin does go down a bit further in small steps, in the case of inventory clearing. But in general, no major changes are seen in the biotin market. A portion of Q2 is contracted by now. In some cases, buyers took long-term contracts well into 2024, some of them also older contracts.

Vitamin C 35% mono

The market prices increased over the last months and so far the new higher price levels seem to be sticking. The number of transactions though, is very low. Most buyers took long term contracts when the price was low or when it started to increase. It will now be a matter of a waiting and patience game and once significant new volumes need to be booked, the real market dynamics will be more clear. Q1 and Q2 are mostly contracted and in some cases a large portion of 2024 as well.

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