
Dutch subsidies for low emission feeds

14-11-2011 | |
Dutch subsidies for low emission feeds

Nine companies in The Netherlands will receive financial support for research on low emission animal feeds.

Agentschap NL, part of the Ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation has revealed which companies will be subsidised for research on feeds which result in lower emission of green house gases.
In total nine companies and three research institutes will be supported. The research projects have to make clear how feed additives persistently can reduce emission of methane from rumen fermentation.
The following parties will be subsidised: Nutreco, Chr. Hansen (Denmark), a cooperation of Feed Innovation Services, ForFarmers, Ropapharm International, Speerstra Feed Ingredients en Valacon Dairy and a cooperation of Orffa Additives en Cono Cheese makers.
Included in the research projects are also the scientists from Wageningen University (NL), Copenhagen University (Denmark) and Instituto de Ganaderia de Montaña (Spain) will participate.
The aim of the research projects is to decrease 5% of the methane emission of a dairy cow, at least, by 2020, a target that is part of the project Innovation and Action program for Clean and Economical Agri Sectors.

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