Today Fefana, the EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures, proudly celebrates the milestone of its 50 years’ existence.
The first statutes of Fefana were signed on the 22nd January 1963 by the National Associations in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. The founding members had the forward vision of forming a European Association to act as an interface between the feed additives manufacturing industry as a whole and the European Union, then European Economic Community (EEC), and its Member States authorities.
Since its foundation, the aim of the association has been to promote the benefits of our products and their safety for animal health, human health and the environment. Through the ensuing years, the industry played a role in supporting the European agenda in the context created by the introduction of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 1962. The CAP has been aimed at ensuring the availability of affordable food to European consumers; our products and the scientific and technical know-how of our industry contributed to achieving the remarkable improvements in animal welfare, productivity and product quality which took place in Europe in the past 50 years.
Subsequently, in the new framework created by the White Paper on Food Safety in 2000, our industry embraced its role as one of the stakeholders with the primary responsibility for food safety, and has been actively supporting the EU objectives of achieving the highest standards of feed and food safety.
Another important milestone was the start of the feed additives re-authorisation process supported by the Consortia under the Fefana umbrella. sharing the priority for sustainable growth set out by the Europe 2020 strategy and been focusing innovation efforts on achieving resource efficiency and on developing products with a beneficial and mitigating impact on the environment.