
Hamlet Protein launches soya-yeast supplement for piglets

13-09-2012 | |
Hamlet Protein launches soya-yeast supplement for piglets
Hamlet Protein launches soya-yeast supplement for piglets

Hamlet Protein, the Danish animal feed supplement company, has launched HP 800 Booster, a soya-yeast supplement that improves piglet feed intake.

The new product combines beneficial characteristics of soya with yeast. In three feeding tests the product improves feed intake.

Today, with litter sizes on the increase, average birth weight is in decline, and that means even smaller piglets than in the past. So, when introduced to the first feed, these challenged piglets need a high intake of extra, gentle nutrition to help them catch up with the others in size and strength. 

Three Danish feeding tests show that HP 800 Booster improves feed intake. In the feeding tests, challenged piglets had a higher feed intake from feed supplemented with HP 800 Booster than with the Hamlet Protein’s other protein product, the HP 300.

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