
Milestone for Provimi in NIR applications

25-08-2010 | |

Global animal nutrition company, Provimi, has reached a milestone with the installation of its 200th NIR (Near Infra Red) instrument across at a customer in Malaysia.

This latest NIR has been installed at Pahang Pharmacy, Malaysia under the guidance and support of Provimi Vietnam and with technical input and calibration updates from Provimi’s central network in Europe.
NIR is important technology in the testing of feed materials in the animal nutrition industry. It is a quick, accurate and cost-effective means of determining the composition of materials and can be used for raw materials, silage and complete compound feeds.
Improved accuracy
The accuracy of NIR relies on a constantly updated database of raw material qualities. NIR instruments can be networked and the data shared which improved the accuracy and reliability of the information.
Provimi has been expanding its NIR network for the past 12 years. The basis for the calibration lines the company supplies come from NIR instruments in 20 different Provimi laboratories across the World.
“By pooling and calibrating data from these sites centrally, all possible variations in raw materials and feed products are included in the calibration lines,” says Provimi’s NIR Specialist in Asia Andre Brand.
“These calibrations are sent from a central server to the NIR machines at our clients through line updates, so instruments are standardised across the world.
“As a result, the equations used in feed formulations are very robust and the risk analysis inaccuracies due to local and seasonal variations are minimized, making our NIR network among the most reliable worldwide.
“We have equations for testing 100 ingredients and numerous complete feeds, which can be carried out very cost-effectively.”
Efficient production
 “The immediate and routine checking of incoming raw materials facilitates more accurate preparation of animal feed within strict specifications and minimises compensation for variability in the raw materials composition,” Brand adds.
“Moreover, customers can achieve potential performance improvements when feeding livestock according to their specific needs. This will result in more efficient production, faster growth and less waste.”
Digestibility relationships
Continuing its research programme in NIR, Provimi is currently developing NIR applications that show a relationship between digestibility and silages and the digestibility of proteins in raw materials.
Related website: Provimi

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