
Ukraine actively increases production and exports of soybeans

01-12-2011 | |

By 2015, the volume of soybean production in Ukraine may reach 4 million tons from the total area of 2 million hectares compared to 2.3 million tons from the area of 1.1 million hectares in 2011, Victor Timchenko, president of the Ukrainian Association of soybeans producers and processors (ASPP), said.

The export of soy from the Ukraine in 2015 may reach 1.1 million tons against 800,000 tons in 2011.
Speaking at a conference on "Fat-and–oil industry-2011", Timochenko said Ukraine nowadays actively exports its production to many soybean markets of Europe and Asia. 
During the first 9 months of this year soybeans were exported to Iran in the total amount of 198,600 tons, Italy – 161,6000 tons, Germany – 55,100 tons, Syria – 56,600 tons, Poland – 11,900 tons, Turkey – 37,9000 tons, United States – 8,900 tons.
The president of ASPP also noted that active investments during the last five years contributed to the dynamics of continuous growth of soybean industry in Ukraine, and the significant increase of cultivation area of this crop.
"In 2011, it has been already harvesting 2.3 million tons from 112,750 hectares with the figures of yielding capacity about 20 t/ha. In 2009, by volume of soybean production we came in first place among the EU countries and the CIS while in 2010 we reach the eighth place among the 75 countries of the world," Timochenko said.
He was also noted that the current capacity of processing soybeans in Ukraine account for 1.7 million tons against 160,000 tons in 2003. (Valdislav Vorotnikov)

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