
Vitamin markets: BASF delays restart of vitamin E and A production

BASF announced an update on the estimated production restart of vitamin A and E. The start-up has been delayed by several months. Photo: Canva
BASF announced an update on the estimated production restart of vitamin A and E. The start-up has been delayed by several months. Photo: Canva

End of last week BASF announced an update on the estimated production restart of vitamin A and E. The start-up has been delayed by several months. So far the market has reacted very calmly, only vitamin E increased a bit in price. Vitamin A stopped declining in price, at least for now. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 43).

As vitamin D3 500 is in some cases also linked to vitamin A (AD3), there was some short lived speculation about further price increase, but that did not stick. Vitamin B3 has stabilised after a period of price increase. Vitamin B2 increased a bit in price in Europe. European manufacturers indicate to have tight availability and there is no alternative product available. Vitamin C manufacturers have increased prices and that has triggered some market activity and especially on a FOB China basis, prices have increased slightly. In other regions not that much change is seen yet.

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Vitamin E 50%

BASF announced a significant delay in the restart of their vitamin E production facility, compared to earlier announced updates. This has led to a more active market for Q1 buying, although most suppliers have stopped offering in order to first assess the market. No significant run-up in prices has been seen so far, but the recent price decline has stopped, and prices have increased somewhat in most regions, and it is mostly traders that are currently active. Q4 and a good portion of Q1 are contracted by now. 

Vitamin A 1000

Several days after the BASF update about the delayed restart of the vitamin A production facility, the market has remained very calm for now. There has been a pause in the recent price decline and in some regions, a slight price increase is seen. That increase is coming mostly from inter-trader transactions. Most manufacturers have withdrawn offers. Buyers have already secured most of their Q4 and some Q1 needs and have a strong wait-and-see attitude for additional coverage. So far, the market is relatively quiet.

VITAMIN PRICES: Here the market prices of 3 important vitamins are tracked – check it out…

Vitamin D3 500

Vitamin D3 is often used in combination with vitamin A and the recent BASF update has led to some temporary pressure on vitamin D3 and AD3 markets. But that was short-lived, and it has already become quiet again. Vitamin D3 500 remains high in price and stock levels are still said to be relatively low. Q4 is mostly contracted.

Vitamin B2 80%

No changes are seen in the market compared to last week. In China and the US, the market is relatively stable and calm. In Europe, the prices recently went up a bit, as local suppliers claim to have reduced output and logistical challenges now. But that is now stable again. By now most of Q4 has been contracted. 


No news at all to mention. Very static market and stable prices for months already. Also, no signs of nearby change in that respect. 

Vitamin B3

The desire of manufacturers to increase prices further is constant. It seems though, that the market has found its price stability point now and no further price increase has been seen for the past couple of weeks. Availability is said to be okay, although that may differ from supplier to supplier. Q4 is well contracted and a good portion of Q1 as well. The market has become relatively quiet.


Very static market and well contracted ahead. After some price increase over the summer, prices have been stable recently. New additional production capacity in China was announced last week, adding to the already well supplied market. No nearby changes in the market dynamics are expected. Q4 and a good portion of Q1 are contracted. 

Vitamin C 35% mono

Suppliers continue to stop offering in a new attempt to increase prices. So far that seems to work as in several regions a small price increase is seen, especially on a FOB China basis. In the local regions, there is still sufficient stock and significant price increases are difficult to achieve so far. Q4 and a good portion of Q1 have been contracted.

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