
Vitamin markets: Clearer direction expected however, quiet market in most regions

Vitamin markets: Clearer direction expected however, quiet market in most regions

Very quiet vitamin market in most regions and no significant price changes seen today, after China’s returned from their holiday. Vitamin A and vitamin E are stable to weak at a high price level though. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 41).

It is expected that in Q4 not a lot of change will be seen. New Q1 price quotes and contracts will show more directions to the price, for now it is very quiet. Vitamin D3 500 remains low on stock. Apart from that, no major market changes seen.

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Vitamin E 50%

This week the market has been quiet, with China being on holiday. Overall, stable to slightly weaker prices, although still at a very high level. In most regions, the market is in a strong wait-and-see mode. Manufacturers are still not keen on offering and buyers are contracted for Q4 and a portion of Q1. In some cases, traders are trying to move stock. 

Vitamin A 1000

More direction should be seen now since China is back from its one-week holiday. It is very quiet right now. In most regions, a price decline can be seen. Although prices are still relatively high. The lower prices are mostly coming from traders or resellers in an attempt to move some volume. Manufacturers are not offering significant volumes. In general, the market has a strong wait-and-see attitude. 

Vitamin D3 500

As there are no clear indications that stock levels and overall availability are going to improve in the short term, prices remain very firm in all regions. Buyers have adjusted to this new situation with a higher price level and have enough contract coverage to continue well into Q4. The market is calm right now. 

VITAMIN PRICES: Here the market prices of 3 important vitamins are tracked – check it out…

Vitamin B2 80%

No changes are seen in the market compared to last week. In China and the US, the market is relatively stable and calm. In Europe, the prices recently went up slightly, as local suppliers claim to have reduced output and logistical challenges. But that is now stable. By now most of Q4 has been contracted.


Overall stable prices and a very quiet market. Some recent attempts by suppliers to increase the price have not led to any changes so far. Availability is okay and there is decent forward cover into Q4. Prices remain very low, but the market is still in oversupply and no signs of significant change are seen in that situation. 

Vitamin B3

After a period of a relatively firmer market, things seem to have stabilised now, although at a higher price level than several weeks ago. There is an ongoing desire of most manufacturers to increase the price, but for now, no further momentum to do so is seen in the market. Over the past few weeks, a significant cover has been taken forward and Q4 is mostly contracted. 


Suppliers have been a bit more vocal about the desire to increase prices, as biotin is still historically low-priced. But most buyers are well contracted ahead for Q4 and even partly Q1. The market remains very quiet. 

Vitamin C 35% mono

Most suppliers are not keen to offer new material and/or intend to increase prices soon. At the same time, there seems to be enough material available and the price has been very stable lately and there is a decent cover forward already. The market is very quiet. As soon as new demand is coming on the market, it could become clearer what the direction of the market is going to be. 

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