
Vitamin markets: Vit D3 500 continues to be firm while bullish tone on vit A

17-07-2024 | |
Vitamin E suppliers are almost all working on their summer plant maintenance and at the same time continue to try to increase prices. To a certain extend that is working, although limited until now. Photo: Canva
Vitamin E suppliers are almost all working on their summer plant maintenance and at the same time continue to try to increase prices. To a certain extend that is working, although limited until now. Photo: Canva

Vitamin D3 500 is still firm and suppliers seems to have disappeared in terms of price offers. Only some trades are able/willing to offer product. By now, most material has been purchased to cover nearby needs and in some cases full Q3 and partly Q4 contract cover is taken as well. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 29).

Vitamin E suppliers are almost all working on their summer plant maintenance and at the same time continue to try to increase prices. To a certain extend that is working, although limited until now.

Vitamin A 1000 is stable at the moment, although there is a slight bullish tone the market. There was some action around vitamin B3, but that seems to have cooled down already in most cases. Vitamins like d-calpan, biotin and B2 seems to be very stable and relative low priced. Vitamin B1 and K3 remain firm and increase in price step by step.

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Vitamin E 50%

Still a firm sentiment in the market and as a lot of plant maintenance is scheduled for the coming months, this trend may stick for some time. It has not translated to actual transactions at higher prices, compared to last weeks. Suppliers continue to offer significantly higher prices in an attempt to increase the final market price. Buyers remain conservative. and they had already contracted their vitamin E forward recently, or even some time ago already. Q3 is contracted and a portion of Q4 is as well. Some buyers even looking into Q1 2025. 

Vitamin A 1000

The overall sentiment for vitamin A1000 is bullish, in line with vitamin E and D3, but it has not translated into actual firmer prices so far. The market is relatively quiet in terms of buying activity and the quieter summer period has started in several regions. As vitamin D3 500 is much firmer, a firmer tone is seen as well a bit on vitamin AD3. A good portion of Q3 is contracted by now and an overlap into Q4 as well. 

VITAMIN PRICES: Here the market prices of 3 important vitamins are tracked – check it out…

Vitamin D3 500

The market remains very firm and it looks like there is a collective stop of offering from suppliers, apart from some traders that are still in the market. By now buyers have contracted at least their nearby needs and have now taken on a wait-and-see attitude. Other buyers already contracted Q3 and Q4 some weeks ago and remain silent as well. Stock levels in the different regions are still said to be low and incoming material is delayed. Most suppliers indicate to be sold out or still offer higher prices compared to last week. A good portion of Q3 is contracted already, some overlap into Q4.

Vitamin B2 80%

No changes seen or reported compared to previous weeks. Recently the market price in Europe increased a bit due to poorer availability at local EU suppliers. But that situation seems to have stabilised at that slightly higher price level. In other regions, the prices are mostly stable, although there is a continuous desire for manufacturers to increase prices. But demand is not supportive enough. A good portion of Q3 is already contracted for mostly strategic reasons. 


Several vitamins have been relatively volatile lately, but so far d-calpan remains very calm and stable at a low price level. Even the higher container costs have not influenced the end price of d-calpan. Supply in general is ample and suppliers are keen to maintain market share and move stock. Already a good cover ahead is taken into Q3 and partly Q4 for strategic reasons.

Vitamin B3

No new developments compared to the previous week. Some increased activity was seen due to production challenges at a European manufacturer, but until now no significant price impact has been seen. Other than that, a stable and relatively quiet market this week. There is cover taken well into Q3 and in some cases even further at a time when prices were lower compared to today. 


No changes are seen in the biotin market at the moment. Supply is ample and long-term contracts have been concluded and/or pending. Prices remain historically low. A good portion of Q3 is contracted and in some cases, buyers took long-term contracts well into late 2024. 

Vitamin C 35% mono

Suppliers are undergoing summer plant maintenance and at the same time have stopped offering for new business. The suppliers that are offering, all indicate higher prices compared to previous months. The market is pretty well contracted though, so no significant price increases seen, other than the container freight rate increase impact. Q3 and partially Q4 are mostly contracted based on lower-priced old contracts.

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