
Vitamin markets: Vitamin A 1000 price falls as folic acid prices rise

11-12-2024 | |
Vitamin E remains stable at a high price level. The market seems balanced for now. Vitamin E buyers have a wait and see attitude and sellers are keen to get the price up. Photo: Canva
Vitamin E remains stable at a high price level. The market seems balanced for now. Vitamin E buyers have a wait and see attitude and sellers are keen to get the price up. Photo: Canva

Vitamin A has been going down in price as new capacity from China is slowly being introduced in the market and there has been no additional demand lately. A main manufacturer is still under force majeure but that seems to have been absorbed by the market and prices are slowly declining at the moment. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 50).

Vitamin E remains stable at a high price level. The market seems balanced for now. Vitamin E buyers have a wait and see attitude and sellers are keen to get the price up.

Vitamin D3 still remains firm and suppliers are very keen to get the price up further or at least maintain the current level. Availability remains tight in most regions.

Vitamin B3 is stable and so is vitamin B5. Folic acid prices continue to increase and prices have doubled in just a couple of weeks. Prices were stable at a relatively low level for a long time and now suppliers are successfully increasing prices.

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Vitamin E 50%

No changes are seen in the market compared to previous weeks. There is a tight balance between suppliers that are insisting on higher prices and buyers that have a wait-and-see attitude. The supply and demand balance did not really change and is therefore pretty balanced at the moment. This has so far resulted in mostly stable prices in all regions, although stable at a high level. No short-term changes are expected to these dynamics. Right now the market is relatively quiet and contracted for Q4 and a good portion of Q1.

Vitamin A 1000

In most regions, the prices for both spot and Q1 business have been weaker compared to previous weeks. Availability seems to be slightly better and also the arrival of new capacity in the market from China has been fuelling a weaker market price. Although at a relatively high price level still. Buyers have already secured most of their Q4 and decent Q1 needs.

VITAMIN PRICES: Here the market prices of 3 important vitamins are tracked – check it out…

Vitamin D3 500

The general tone is still tight in terms of availability and prices remain high and seem to stick. No nearby change is expected, although some buyers have to return to the market in late Q4/early Q1 in order to secure more volume. These buyers had a wait-and-see attitude before but realise now that a short-term price reduction is not realistic. Q4 is contracted and a decent portion of Q1 as well.

Vitamin B2 80%

Prices in Europe remain firmer compared to earlier this year, as there are no Chinese sources available, and Western sources indicate to have limited material available. Prices FOB China and in the USA remain relatively stable and no nearby changes are expected. Q4 has been contracted and a good portion of Q1 as well.


Relatively static market. Prices remain stable at a relatively low level and that goes for all regions. As there is an oversupply situation for this product, no signs of nearby change are expected. Q4 is mostly contracted and a good portion of Q1 as well. 

Vitamin B3

No changes are seen in the market compared to previous weeks. There is still an ongoing desire by most manufacturers to increase prices and the raw material situation is said to be tight still in several cases. Yet, the market is not reacting to that in terms of booking more ahead or paying higher prices right now. It is still relatively quiet. Buyers had secured their Q4 and partially Q1 needs some time ago and after that, the market has gone quiet. 


No signs of any change in the biotin market are seen or reported. Very static market at the moment. New additional production capacity in China has recently been announced for 2025. Q4 and a good portion of Q1 are contracted. 

Vitamin C 35% mono

Some suppliers still refrain from offering in an attempt to keep prices elevated, while others are out there offering slightly lower prices to move some volume. Overall, the market is very quiet. Q4 and a portion of Q1 have been contracted.

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