
Vitamin markets: Vitamin A and E markets cooling down

11-09-2024 | |
Vitamin markets: Vitamin A and E markets cooling down

Both vitamin A and E have cooled down significantly. Prices are still very high, but already some decline is seen as traders are more proactive to move unsold stock. Manufacturers refrain from offering still. Most buyers are contracted for the coming period and it is quiet now. Learn more in this week’s feed additives snapshot (week 37).

Vitamin D3 500 remains tight and the prices high. Buyers have accepted this new reality and have contracted material ahead, at these higher prices as well. Vitamin B3 remains firm, although the level of activity has declined significantly and by now a good portion of Q4 is contracted. Vitamin B2 has increased a bit in price in Europe, as local manufacturers are not able to supply their full output for several reasons.

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Vitamin E

After the first “shock” in the past weeks, the vitamin E market has clearly calmed down and buyers are covered by now for Q4 and some even into Q1. Prices are still very high, but traders have become a bit more proactive to move unsold stock and there was even a slight price decline seen in offers this week from those traders. Manufacturers are still not offering though. The market is very quiet now.

Vitamin A1000

The market is still very tight, and a main western manufacturer is still under force majeure claim. It is said that this manufacturer has been discussing further volume allocations recently. At the same time, the market has also turned very quiet and spot prices from traders have been going down. Manufacturers are still not offering. It seems, despite the current market situation, end-users are contracted for nearby and are not in the market now for potential additional material for Q4. Most of Q4 is contracted by now.

Vitamin D3 500

Availability is still not optimal, and prices remain firm. Buyers have adjusted to this new situation and new higher price level and have enough contract coverage to continue into Q4. No nearby signs of relief are seen if stock levels are not replenished sufficiently. The market is calm right now.

VITAMIN PRICES: Here the market prices of 3 important vitamins are tracked – check it out…


No changes seen at all in the market compared to previous weeks. After a recent small price increase, the market has stabilised for some weeks already at this slightly higher price level. Most buyers are well contracted ahead for Q4 and even partly Q1 and the level of activity in the market is very low.


The market has been quiet for weeks already and after a slight price increase in the summer, it seems prices are going back down to their pre-summer price level. Lower container freight rates also are a reason for that. Prices remain very low, but the market is still in oversupply and no signs of significant change are seen in that situation.

Vitamin B3

Although less active, the vitamin B3 market is still a bit tight due to cost price pressure at the manufacturers, and the recent price increases seem to be sticking for now. Although lower container freight rates may stabilise things. Over the past few weeks, a significant cover has been taken forward and Q4 is mostly contracted. There is still some activity seen, but nothing major.

Vitamin C mono

Quite a static market at the moment. Suppliers claim to be in long term summer plant maintenance still and several of them are not keen to offer new material. At the same time there seems to be enough material available and the price has been very stable lately and there is a decent cover forward already. As soon as new demand is coming on the market, it could become clearer what the direction of the market is going to be. For now, it is very quiet.

Vitamin B2

In China and the US, the market is relatively stable and calm. But in Europe the prices went up a bit, as local suppliers claim to have reduced output and logistical challenges now. This has led to some tightness in the EU market and slightly firmer prices. By now most of Q4 has been contracted.

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