
White paper covers antibiotic use in food animals

08-12-2011 | |

Antibiotic use in food animal production is the focus of a white paper released recently by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) announced Feedstuffs.

The white paper is a summary of information delivered by 13 human and animal health speakers and symposium participants at "Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: A Dialogue for Common Purpose," which was held Oct. 26-27 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The paper provides science-based information regarding the use of antibiotics in food animal production, human health implications relative to antibiotic use and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in livestock, NIAA said, adding that a significant portion of the paper addresses the controversial topic of antimicrobial resistance.
The white paper, as well as the symposium speakers’ presentations with synchronized audio, can be accessed online from NIAA website.

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