
ADM opens second premix plant in China

20-06-2011 | |

Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) has opened a new feed premix plant in Tianjin, China, under its wholly owned subsidiary ADM Alliance Nutrition Inc.

The new facility has been opened in order to tap the growing Chinese market. According to the company, a large part of the Chinese market is untapped in the animal feed premix area, and so has a huge growth potential. This is the company’s second feed premix plant in China with an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tons after a facility in Dalian.
The Tianjin plant will offer feed premixes for broilers, layers, swine, ruminants, and swine concentrates, specialty ingredients and nutritional consulting services to the customers located in the provinces of Henan, Hebei, Shandon, Shaanix, Anhui and the municipalities of Tianjin and Beijing.

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