REACH is an acronym for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, which is aimed at the premix industry and all firms that produce transport premixes that contain ‘dangerous materials’.
All raw materials (single and mixed) will receive a specific classification. Mixes and end-products will receive a classification based on the values of the single ingredients. This results in a label classification.
REACH module
To facilitate this administrative burden Adifo has developed a special module to be added to its Bestmix formulation programme.
The specific data of the raw materials can be added to Bestmix, such as safety classifications and minimal percentages for specific danger symbols.
The REACH database can be imported and exported from the software, saved and printed in several languages and during optimisation the data is clearly visible.
All necessary data can be printed on the label or added to a label database. There is no need to set up and manage an external database for REACH declarations.
More info on REACH can be found on the website of the European Chemicals Agency
More info on the REACH-module in Bestmix feed formulation software can be obtained from Adifo’s specialist Marc Coopman at