The toxin is a by-product of mould growth in a wide range of commodities, including corn. Because it is a known severe threat to human and animal health, more than 100 countries have established regulatory limits for aflatoxin in commodities intended as human food or animal feed.
Neogen‘s new
Reveal Q+ for Aflatoxin combines the speed and simplicity of a lateral flow screening test, like a home pregnancy test, with the fully quantitative precision of a more demanding testing method.
The new test delivers precise results ranging from 2 to 150 parts per billion (ppb) of aflatoxin after only 6 minutes.
"Reveal Q+ for Aflatoxin is the easiest test available for rapid, fully quantitative test results, and uses a more environmentally friendly ethanol extraction," said Ed Bradley, Neogen’s vice president for Food Safety.
"This innovative technology yields more accurate and reproducible results. Coupled with Neogen’s AccuScan III reader, the Reveal Q+ system objectively reads, analyzes and stores test results.
"Reveal Q+ for Aflatoxin is the first in our new line of fully quantitative lateral flow tests for mycotoxins," Bradley continued. "Tests for DON and zearalenone are in the final stages of development.”
Reveal Q+ for Aflatoxin offers both room temperature incubation of the test strip and storage of the test kit – eliminating the need for an incubator and refrigeration space.
The test requires only minimal equipment to achieve precise results and a simple low cost ethanol extraction process. Ethanol is the preferred extract solvent of some major grain handlers.