
Pet Food update to be held 23-24 June

09-04-2009 | |
Pet Food update to be held 23-24 June

This year’s Pet Food Update will be held 23-24 June in Solingen, Germany. This annual event is the perfect place to mingle with pet food professionals and to get a good update on pet nutrition and pet food technology.

ZDS – organiser of the pet food update – tries to keep the topics during the event "customer-specific and practical”. Together with a five headed consulting team, the presentations are always carefully selected for their relevance and practical application.

Presentation will include topics such as: raw materials, legal aspects, technology, quality control, new markets and product trends.

For more information contact ZDS:
Phone: +49 (0)212-5961-0
Fax: +49 (0)212-5961-61
E-Mail: info@zds-solingen.de



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Emmy Koeleman Freelance editor
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