
Romer Labs acquires SDIX food safety and GMO Business

04-10-2012 | |
Romer Labs acquires SDIX food safety and GMO Business
Romer Labs acquires SDIX food safety and GMO Business

Austrian company Romer Labs, a specialist in food safety diagnostics, has entered into an agreement to acquire the assets of the food safety and GMO businesses of Strategic Diagnostics Inc (SDIX).

The deal accelerates Romer Labs‘ move into food pathogen detection and augments its product and service range, making it a complete supplier for food safety solutions.

SDIX Food Safety Business includes RapidChek lateral flow test strips with proprietary enrichment media, the patented RapidChek SELECT phage-based enrichment systems and RapidChek CONFIRM immunomagnetic confirmation tools.

These products are approved for the detection of pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria and E. Coli in a variety of food, feed and environmental samples.

The acquisition also includes the GMO test kit business, in which SDIX already had an exclusive distribution partnership with Romer Labs. Transferring the GMO business to Romer Labs gives the customers more security that they can rely on a trustworthy partner that now also develops and manufactures the products.

Romer Labs will take over all the staff members of the SDIX food safety and GMO division, including those in R&D, sales & marketing and production. It will continue to run the business out of Newark, Delaware.

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