
19th European Symposium On Poultry Nutrition

01-10-2013 | |
19th European Symposium On Poultry Nutrition
19th European Symposium On Poultry Nutrition

New ECOBIOL data was presented at the last European Symposium On Poultry Nutrition (ESPN) held in Potsdam, Germany (August 2013).

The objective of the trial was to determine if the addition of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens spores (ECOBIOL) to the diet could have a beneficial effect on broilers performance. The trial was run in a commercial farm sited in the north of Spain with 211,000 animals housed in 10 different buildings, under standard conditions. Growth and feed intake were monitored as well as mortality.

There were 4 stages (starter, grower, fattener and finisher) and in the experimental group ECOBIOL was added at 1 kg/MT. We could observe that on top of a better FCR (1.98 vs. 2.06) the same final body weight was obtained 2.5 days earlier (46.97 vs. 49.45) with Ecobiol. This resulted in a better EPEF: 259 vs. 242. This better performance with ECOBIOL can be explained by different modes of action such as: enzymes and lactic acid production, positive effect on immune system and improved vitality.

Source: Norel

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