
Heavy floods damages Australian crops

03-05-2017 | |
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock

Extensive flooding has destroyed millions of dollars worth of crops in Central Queensland.

ABC rural reports on several cases in Central Queensland, Australia. General manager of the Woorabinda Pastoral Company David Hughes said the crops on ‘Foleyvale Station’ had been totally wiped out by the flood.

“We know we’ve lost a bit over 6,000 acres (2,428 hectares) of summer crops with a value, at today’s prices, of around $3.8 million worth,” he said. “I guess we expected the worse and hoped for the best.”

Colin Dunne from ‘Sorrell Hills’ has lost his whole cultivation of 2,225 hectares of mixed cropping after up to six metres of water ran over it all. “There’s nothing left except a lot of mud and a paddock ready to plant chickpeas in,” he said.

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