In 2014 Ukraine will increase soybean production by 14% to 3.2 million tonnes, said the president Victor Timchenko from the Association of Ukrainian soybean producers and processors at a press-conference in Kiev.
“I think the harvest will be approximately 3-3.2 million tonnes – we will reach this” he said. In 2013 soybean production totalled 2.77 million tonnes. Timchenko added that the planned area for sowing the soybean crops this year totalled 1.65 million hectares. Timchenko also said in 2017 he predicts that the country will further increase the figures of soybean harvest and collect 4 million tonnes.
“By 2017 we plan to reach the 2 million hectares figure of sowing area and 4 million tonnes of soybeans harvest,” he said. He noted that interest in soybean is steadily growing among Ukrainian farmers. Number of enterprises engaged in the production of soybeans for the last ten years has increased from 2.300 in 2003 to 7.700 in 2013.
Victor Timchenko also noted that in 2013 Ukraine processed 0.8 million tonnes of soybeans, and produced about 0.5 million tonnes of soybean meal .