
AlphaSoy: Processed soybean meal for piglets

15-12-2009 | |
AlphaSoy: Processed soybean meal for piglets

Due to environmental concerns, the use of fishmeal in piglet diets is not favorable anymore, despite its nutritional value and good amino acid content. Finding alternative products is therefore very important. The product AlphaSoy® PIG 530 is one of these alternatives.

Soybeans are another important protein source available in large quantities. Unprocessed soybeans however have low digestibility. It is not suited for piglet feed due to the high amount of anti nutritional factors (ANF). In order to reduce the amount of ANF and increase the protein content, various techniques are used resulting in many different products on the market.

AlphaSoy® PIG 530 (AS) is an extruded and enzyme fortified soybean meal, which has a high digestibility and a minimal content of anti-nutritional factors due to its special treatment.

Test at Danish farm
At a large Danish piglet producing farm, belonging to Mr. Asger Krogsgaard, AS has been used for the last 6 months. The product is the protein source for piglets from 8 kg until 30 kg. Manager Karsten Jorgensen says: “After changing to AS I noticed that the piglets are more willing to eat because of a better product taste, and very importantly we have not observed any changes in occurrence of diarrhea". Furthermore AS is very easy to handle; it flows easily without clumping and we have no problems with dust.

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Emmy Koeleman Freelance editor