
Coceral says GMO rule delay threatens farm sector

15-02-2011 | |

Delays to permitting grain imports containing traces of unauthorized genetically modified organisms into the European Union pose a serious threat to the bloc’s farming sector, the European Union grain trade lobby said.

The EU currently doesn’t allow shipments containing even tiny amounts of GMOs not deemed safe within its borders and has impounded feed shipments for this reason in the past.
Officials were due to agree on new rules to allow low-level presence of GMOs in shipments last week in order to ease the pressure on the bloc’s already hard-pressed farmers.
"The delay in adopting and publishing a ‘workable’ technical solution is seriously endangering trade operations and could seriously impact all the EU farm, processing, food and feed industry sectors," said Teresa Babuscio, Secretary General of Coceral.
Too risky to import
She warned that while the EU’s position on low-level traces of imports remains unclear, trading operators will not take the risk of importing the 80% of beans and meals needed for the industry.
"This leaves the European grains and feeding stuffs importers exposed to high risks and serious legal uncertainty," Coceral said in a statement.

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