
DDGS in pig feed rising as prices drop

22-11-2007 | |

According to a Kansas State University animal scientist, the recent lower prices in DDGS suggest producers may want to take a second look at its use in pig diets.

With the seemingly continual rise in ethanol plant
construction, DDGS prices have been dropping recently. However, we have always
been very cautious about the addition of DDGS, based on some controversy in
research results and the high cost of DDGS,” said Mike Tokach, swine specialist
with K-State Research and Extension. “Some studies have shown negative responses
in growth performance, while other studies have shown similar performance to a
corn-soybean meal diet.”

The price of DDGS in Kansas is still higher
than it is in some other areas, he added. But, that could change with increased
ethanol production. “A quick rule of thumb for a general evaluation is that if
the DDGS price is the same as corn´s, it will create enough savings to justify
its use in the diet,” Tokach said. The breakeven for DDGS can move from 110 to
130% of the corn price, depending on the cost of other ingredients.

Related website:
Kansas State University

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Source: grainnet.com

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