Compound feed plants are not obliged to use the catalogue, but if they label a feedstuff, which is mentioned in the catalogue, the feedstuff has to meet the description as mentioned in the catalogue.
The content of the catalogue is already familiar to feed compounders. This first version exists of annex B of the
Council Directive 96/25/ECon the circulation of feed materials, and the annex
Council Directive 82/471/EECconcerning certain products used in animal nutrition.
In future the catalogue will be managed by the European animal feed industry. In the mean time several branch organisations are working on a revision of the catalogue.
A company which does not use the catalogue, but introduces a new feedstuff into the European Union, will have to announce it to the EC.
Regulation (EC) No. 767/2009 will come into effect as of ! September 2010.