
Education at Feed Expo 2009

26-09-2008 | |

The American Feed Industry Association is once again featuring dynamic educational programs at the International Feed Expo/International Poultry Expo, Jan. 27-30, 2009, in Atlanta, USA.

Three programs will feature the following strategic concepts: achieving
sustainability, enhancing companies’ asset values, building a high performance
team and optimizing technology.

The Pet Food Regulatory and
Technical Conference
  will focus on
understanding emerging trends in the pet food industry, Jan. 27-28,

The program will feature two
concurrent sessions addressing:

  • The rapidly changing regulatory environment

  • Technical issues related to the pet food

    AFIA and the Poultry Protein and Fat Council will host a
    cocktail hour immediately following the afternoon sessions, and the conference
    will conclude with a general session the next day.

    Among others Dan
    McChesney of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine,
    Willem Penning of the European Commission, Pierre Stang of the Canadian Food
    Inspection Agency will present a paper.

    Environment and sustainability
    A new addition to the
    IFE/IPE educational lineup is the Animal Agriculture Environmental
    Sustainability Summit.

    The event will feature prominent experts from
    animal agriculture and representatives from the retail and food service

    One session will have success stories from companies that
    have developed their sustainability programs from the ground up.

    A second
    session will feature customer sustainability efforts presented by invited
    speakers from Wal-Mart and McDonald’s. Representatives from Tyson and Smithfield
    also will be on hand to give an inside look at the importance of corporate
    sustainability efforts.

    The agenda and speakers are still being arranged, so continue to visit the


    All three programs are free to IFE/IPE
    attendees. To register to attend the Expo event, visit the IFE/IPE website. The pre-registration fee is $30
    for online registration and $40 for registration via mail or fax. After Jan. 5,
    2009, you buy your Expo pass at the door for $50.

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