Modern dairy cattle housing and its effect on welfare, performance, animal health and behaviour is the theme presented to some 250 international dairy farming experts at the EuroTier Dairy Event on 10 November.
The evening programme will culminate in
the EuroTier Dairy Farmer 2008 awards con-ferred on dairy farmers who have
achieved outstanding results with a top prize of 2500 Euros.
18:00 h Welcome by EDF President Jean Francois Verdenal
18:15 h Dairy
Cattle Welfare: Effects of free stall housing on behaviour and-health
Marina von Keyserlingk, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
19: 15 h EuroTier Dairy Farmer 2008 Awards moderated by EDF President Jean
Francois Verdenal Introduction of farmers and their farms (each 15 minutes)
Award ceremony
20:00 h Buffet in the main foyer of the CC building, joining
colleagues attending the other Events.
Conference language: English
(simultaneous translation into German)
Admission to the Dairy Event is free
with required prior registration Further information can be obtained from:
Diether Mirbach, DLG
Tel: +49 69 24788 301
E Mail:
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