
Feed tour kicks off prior to VIV Europe, register now!

30-04-2014 | |
Feed tour kicks off prior to VIV Europe, register now!

On May 19, AllAboutFeed and VNU Exhibitions, the organiser of VIV Europe will be hosting a Dutch Excellence Field Trip, including a visit to an innovative pig innovation centre and a feed consult. Don’t miss out and register now as the bus is filling up fast!

The first stop will be made at the Swine Innovation Centre (VIC), Sterksel. This is Wageningen University & Research Centre’s experimental facility for pig farming research. The university uses this facility to conduct research into different aspects of pig husbandry, such as feed, emissions, mineral management and health. You will be able to see the premises and ask questions. It is a multifunctional research centre for modern, innovative and sustainable pig husbandry, both in the Netherlands and abroad.

At the same location, Gert Hemke, founder of Hemke Nutri Consult will give a practical presentation and consult about diet formulation and the best way to feed the animals. Gert is a person with drive and expertise in the fields of: Animal nutrition, Feed concentrates and feed additives, Production processes and quality control, Management on big scale farms and Sustainability (environment, welfare, efficiency) in chains. Gert Hemke has international experience in strategic and practical issues.

The tours are organised in co-operation with AllAboutFeed’s sister publications Pig Progress and World Poultry. If you are more interested in pigs or poultry, we have different tours for these topics as well.
Click here for more information about the three different tours and how to register.

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