In the Spain the cultivation of GM-corn lowers the use of pesticides, according to a study of the European commission. The built-in resistance against the corn borer also guarantees a better harvest if the plague hits the crop.
Farmers that grow GM-cron sprayed only 0.32 times per year while farmers
growing conventional corn on average sprayed 0.86 times pesticides, said a
researcher during a biotech conference in Como, Italy.
GM grower
Spain is cultivating GM-corn on a commercial basis since
1998 and is the largest grower of GM-corn in Europe. In 2007 more than 75,000
hectares were grown. Seventy percent of the GM-corn growers do not use
pesticides against the corn borer, while on 42% of growers of conventional corn
refrained from using pesticides.
€122 extra
Better pest control in affected areas led to higher yields. In
the Zaragoza area yield per hectare of GM-corn on average was 12% higher than
yields form conventional corn fields. In money this is a €122 per hectare extra
gain for GM-corn farmers. This more than compensates the extra cost of the
GM-seeds. Zaragoza was strongest affected by the corn borer. In other areas
yields did not differ that much between GM and non-GM corn.
GM-corn in
Spain is used for animal feed. Sale induces hardly any opposition. Farmers
received a regular price for their corn.In future profit form GM-corn could be
devaluated by governmental policies to strictly divide GM and non-GM corn. These
costs will probably be funnelled towards producers and processors of GM raw