
Kemin AgriFoods commemorates 50 years of innovation

09-03-2011 | |

Kemin AgriFoods, a division of Kemin Industries, celebrates its Golden Jubilee, marking fifty years of in the field of safety, efficiency and health through animal nutrition. A rich history, state of the art research and development methods, plus innovative products have resulted in a multinational company.

Kemin started in 1961 as a small entrepreneurial venture that now, fifty years later, operates in more than 60 countries with manufacturing facilities in Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Singapore, South Africa and the United States. This global presence reinforces one of Kemin’s core strengths: a local network.
“We firmly believe that to best serve our customers, we first have to know them. By creating open channels of communication via local Kemin companies, we can more fully appreciate area-specific issues and client needs,” said Kemin AgriFoods president, Dr. John Springate.
This local understanding also extends to research and development, which takes into account the various cultures, diverse issues and unique trends that exist in different regions. By working with and listening to local customers, Kemin develops relevant solutions tailored to meet their needs.
 “Our local network and trusted expertise enable us to provide specialized services that maximize the return on investment in Kemin products,” continued Springate.  “Kemin Customer Laboratory Services caters to individual customer needs, and our Product Application Department creates custom application systems.”
To highlight these strengths, Kemin AgriFoods has launched a new strategic campaign.  “We are proud of our interaction with our customers and of the added value we bring them,” stated Jan-Jeroen De Beucker, Kemin AgriFoods marketing director. “Our new campaign communicates the value we provide and the promise we make to our customers that Kemin is the advisor you can count on.”
Related websites:
Kemin AgriFoods

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