
More research on byproducts in aquafeed

09-05-2008 | |

The Fats and Proteins Research Foundation, Inc. (FPRF) will invest $112,000 to study the potential role of attractants and palatability factors in animal byproducts, and to forge connections between the genetic potential for growth in aquatic species and nutrient composition of animal proteins.

These new projects will complement current studies
being conducted by FPRF on the function of novel bioactive peptides,
bioavailability of amino acids, energy partitioning, and the role of synthetic
amino acid supplementation in aquatic species fed rendered animal by-products.

FPRF was established in 1962 as a non-profit, non-lobbying organization
with membership representing all segments of the animal industry, and it
maintains close liaison with the National Renderers Association (NRA).

“Our research program is a supplier of information to our global network
of supporters, who come back to us time and time again to make use of our
research-based knowledge”, Dr. Nates, President of FPRF mentioned. 
more information on FPRF’s Research Program and Funding Opportunities, visit www.fprf.org 


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