
New shrimp larvae feed launched

10-03-2008 | |
New shrimp larvae feed launched

Blue Limit AS, a spin-off from Nofima (formerly Fiskeriforsning) in Bergen, Norway has presented a new shrimp larvae feed at VICTAM Asia 2008 in Bangkok.

In shrimp farming, the fry are fed live feed after
hatching, initially algae. Later, they are fed a mixture of algae and artemia –
a crustacean that is common to use for marine larvae. “The company intends to
replace artemia in shrimp hatcheries and where ever else our feed can be
useful,” says Anders Aksnes, managing director of Blue Limit and senior
scientist at Nofima.

“The new feed, Brilliant Blue has a place in the
early stage shrimp larvae feed arena as a specially formulated early stage
shrimp larvae supplement feed.”

Shrimp larvae which have received the new
feed thrive, and the feed does not absorb and does not foul the water, the
scientists say. Together with the studies on survival, growth, leakage and
dispersion, these results show that Brilliant Blue has unique properties, the
researchers claim.

Related website:
Blue Limit

Source: Fish
Farmer magazine

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