The US National Grain and Feed Association’s (NGFA) 36th annual Country Elevator and 11th annual Feed Industry Conference focuses on the impact of biofuels on the feed industry, grain market projections, and developments in food and feed safety.
The conference is scheduled for Dec. 9-11 in Chicago, USA. More than 600
industry members are expected to attend the day-and-a-half conference and trade
show, which will be conducted at the Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile
Established in 1896, the NGFA consists of 900 grain, feed,
processing, exporting and other grain-related companies that operate about 6,000
facilities that handle more than 70% of all US grains and
Speakers to the conference will be:
The conference will close on Dec. 11 with another major
program session focusing on market factors and grain market projections for the
coming year, featuring several top grain market analysts.
Other major
sessions during the conference will focus on agricultural biotechnology and the
status of major farm policy and international trade developments.
the featured speakers are:
The conference also features an industry trade show on
Dec. 9-10.
Registration and conference program information is available from NGFA’s website