
PEOPLE: New appointments for AFIA

01-06-2011 | |
PEOPLE: New appointments for AFIA

Richard Sellers, AFIA vice president of nutrition and feed regulation has been appointed to the Farm Animal Integrated Research 2012 (FAIR 2012) National Program Committee. Sarah Novak has been promoted to the vice president of membership and public relations of AFIA.

Sellers appointed to FAIR National Program Committee
Sellers was appointed to the FAIR National Program Committee by the Federation of American Societies of Animal Science (FASS). As a member of the FAIR committee, Sellers will participate in planning for the national conference on animal agriculture research priorities in March 2012. This effort will assist both the Farm Bill’s authors and guide federal and state agricultural research agencies in setting national priorities for animal agriculture research.
FAIR will develop a policy document serving as a road map to guide future research, education and extension activities in the animal industry, and was first published in 2002. The second caucus, FAIR 2012, will continue to establish consensus on animal agriculture research and education priorities for the 21st century. Sellers will join leading animal scientists, farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, rural advocates, animal welfare proponents and representatives from commodity groups, agribusiness and food service.
Novak appointed to vice president, AFIA
After four years with AFIA, Sarah Novak was promoted to vice president of membership and public relations. Her responsibilities include membership development, promotion, retention and services. She also heads the co-located International Feed Expo planning and organization as well as sponsorship and advertising efforts for publications and major events and generating non-dues revenue.

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