Pet food product development
Each pet food manufacturer has its own procedure for developing a new product or modifying a current brand. The basic procedures are in short described here.

1. Idea: A new idea is normally formulatd after market research.
- 2. Product prototype: The most promising ideas are selected
for further development. - 3. Feeding tests: After the prototype selection, a series of studies
Palatability: Palatability studies utilize an
appropriate testing procedure to determine which food is most acceptable to
the dog or cat.
5. Digestion
studies: Digestibility is a measure of a food’s nutritional value
and need to be tested.
Nutritional studies: Needed to be able to have a certain claim on the
product. These may include reproduction studies, growth tests, and maintenance
7. Product development: During the time the animal tests
are being conducted, many other activities necessary for product development
occurs. New equipment for products and packaging, if needed, are being
designed and developed, at least on a pilot scale. Package size, design, and
copy, as well as product name, are being developed.
More information on these procedures can be found here
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