
Privatization of GMP+ completed

05-07-2010 | |

The privatization of the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance scheme (GMP+ FSA) has been completed.

The GMP+ FSA scheme was transferred retroactively with effect from 1 January 2010 to GMP+ International. This change will allow GMP+ to capitalize on the further internationalization of the certification scheme and its participation.
Over 11,000 companies worldwide in the feed chain participate in the GMP+ FSA scheme. More and more of these companies would like to make an active contribution to the further development of the scheme’s content.
The decision to privatize the GMP+ FSA scheme followed from the observation that internationalization did not fit in with the structure of the Dutch Product Board Animal Feed (PDV) statutory industrial organization.
The Executive Committee of the Product Board Animal Feed (PDV) gave its approval to the privatization at the beginning of December 2009.
The transfer took place retroactively with effect from 1 January 2010 of the GMP+ FSA scheme once the procedure of the Social Economic Council (SER), which supervises the PDV, was formally completed.
The change has no immediate consequences for participating companies. The content of GMP+ FSA will continue on the basis of the content of the previous GMP+ certification scheme for the animal feed sector 2006.
Information about (the content of) the GMP+ FSA scheme, the participating companies and about GMP+ International which is the new administrator of the scheme can be found at www.gmpplus.org.

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