
Ridley Inc. buys US feed block maker

06-10-2009 | |

Winnipeg, Canada based feed manufacturer Ridley Inc. has bought its way further into the compressed feed block business in the US Midwest with acquiring Golden Lyk.

Ridley Inc., which also has offices and production facilities in the US announced that it has bought the equipment and intellectual property of Golden Lyk, based at Morris, Minnesota.
The company was set up in 2001 as an affiliate of ethanol maker Denco, which used corn, corn gluten meal and dried distillers grain byproducts from ethanol processing as ingredients in compressed supplement blocks. Its products are marketed to cattle, horse, sheep, elk, buffalo and goat producers.
Ridley plans to move Golden Lyk’s manufacturing equipment about 250 km south to its own block manufacturing facility at Worthington, Minn., and expected to start making compressed feed blocks at Worthington by mid-December.
The company also plans to expand its warehouse, ingredient storage area and other operating activities to handle the "additional capacity and product options" at Worthington.
In the meantime, Ridley said it will supply Golden Lyk, Easyblox and other compressed blocks from a supplement block plant Ridley bought last year at Flemingsburg, Kentucky, about 90 km northeast of Lexington.

Dick Ziggers Former editor All About Feed