
Science meets software in dairy nutrition

18-07-2012 | |

Feed Management Systems (FMS) and Central Valley Nutritional Associates (CVNA) have joined together in a collaboration to develop a combined software solution for dairy nutritionists – addressing the challenge of balancing rations to meet amino acid requirements.

The solution combines the flexibility of FMS’ Feed Ration Balancer (FRB) with the modeling capabilities of CVNA’s Formulate2 to create a novel software solution that provides dairy formulators with the capabilities they want and need. The new FRB with Formulate2 enables formulators to create branded, customized dairy cattle rations based on a nutrition model that delivers balanced diets incorporating accurate amino acid requirements. These diets do not require the excessive manual ‘tweaking’ so common with modeling software, thus eliminating hassles and saving time.    
Dr John Foley, FMS’ formulation portfolio manager, said that “With FRB with Formulate2, the ration is solved in one quick pass—no more guessing and tweaking.” 
FRB with Formulate2 is user-friendly and incorporates the new Feed Ration Balancer. It has flexible customization and personalization options, familiar navigation controls, and enhanced reporting capabilities. It is also packed with nutritional data and able to create real diets for dairy cattle that meet nutritional requirements set by the user.
Dr Schwab: amino acid nutrition
Most significantly, this is the first easy-to-use software solution that incorporates Dr. Charles G. Schwab’s preeminent work on amino acid nutrition for dairy cattle. Dr. Schwab is recognized nationally and internationally for his research on amino acid nutrition of dairy cattle. During the last 10 years, he has made over 140 presentations at dairy nutrition conferences and workshops around the world on the application of advances in amino acid and protein nutrition of dairy cows. He was a member of the committee responsible for publishing NRC (2001), Nutrient Requirements for Dairy Cattle. Dr. Schwab is Professor Emeritus of Animal Sciences at the University of New Hampshire and is widely recognized as a leading expert on dairy cattle nutrition.

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