
US dog and cat food industry runs into billions

13-03-2009 | |

Revenues for the US dog and cat food industry in the US for the year 2008 was approximately $15.7 billion, with an estimated gross profit of 53.82%, according to a news roport from Research and Markets.

Import was valued at $367.3 million from 26 countries. The industry also exported $1.2 billion worth of merchandise to 109 countries.
Adding import value to and subtracting export value from the industry’s shipment value, the total domestic demand for the industry in 2008 was $14.9 billion.
The Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing Industry report is the most comprehensive market research report available on this industry.
With complete 2008 data and sophisticated forecasts for 2009, the report provides the most updated data and analysis on the industry’s key financial data, cost and pricing, competitive landscape, industry structure, and trends and opportunities.
More info can be obtained from Researchandmarkets.

Dick Ziggers Former editor All About Feed
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