
Workshop “Innovative Hygienic Concepts” at IFF Germany

06-07-2010 | |
Workshop “Innovative Hygienic Concepts” at IFF Germany

The Research Institute of Feed Technology (IFF) in Braunschweig, Germany is conducting a workshop on Innovative Hygienic Concepts in feed compounding (in English) on 15 November 2010. This date is the day before EuroTier exhibition in Hannover starts and thus convenient for delegates who intend to visit farm show.

A perfect hygienic state is a basic requirement for the provision of marketable compound feed.
This can be achieved by a combination of organisational and technological measures, including the use of appropriate effective additives.
The growing pressure on livestock farms (such as the zoonosis regulation) also forces manufacturers of compound feed more than ever to provide reliable proof for the effectiveness of the implemented hygienic measures.
Plant operators can choose from an array of new developments and enhancements of systems and products. In addition to their degree of innovation the efficiency of the measure will have to be judged. To what extent can a safe but also an economic and flexible compound feed production be established?
During the workshop, the current state of scientific knowledge and practical experience will be discussed. Also hygienic hazards and risks as well as the possibilities of their prevention and control are to be submitted for discussion.
The presented topics aim to recommend economically viable strategies for the production of safe compound feed and for feeding.
  • The Swedish Salmonella control programme for feed – P. Häggblom, National Veterinary, Institute, Uppsala/Sweden
  • How feeding can support intestinal health? – H. Kleine Klausing, Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer, Düsseldorf/Germany
  • Hygienising effect of processing procedures – R. Löwe, IFF, Braunschweig/Germany
  • New ways in the production of hygienised compound feed – P. Harteneck, Bühler, Uzwil/Switzerland
  • MPL-Frictionizer and Crown Expander: New concepts for hygienising and expansion pelleting – H. Graf von Reichenbach, Amandus Kahl, Reinbek/Germany
  • Salmonella prevention in practice – K. Larsson, Lantmännen, Lidköping/Sweden
  • Batchwise or continuous conditioning: Pros and cons – H. Michiels, Dinnissen, Sevenum/Netherlands
  • Occurrence of salmonella at poultry and pig – A. Käsbohrer, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR), Berlin/Germany
  • Supplementing technological measures for improving the hygienic state – A. Feil, IFF, Braunschweig/Germany
  • Contribution of organic acids in salmonella prophylaxis of compound feed – U. Roser, BASF, Limburgerhof/Germany
  • Mycotoxin Risk Management in feed production – H. Gerhardt, Biomin Germany, Wolfhagen/Germany
  • Prevention of Salmonella in the production of feeding stuffs – D. Wilson, Anitox, Lawrenceville/USA
For registration and further information go to IFF website or email IFF

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